来源:达博六号 发布时间:2016-12-27 访问量:1553
达博六号网讯 据外媒报道,美国当局日前表现,因为欧盟禁止含荷尔蒙的美国牛肉进口,美国将采用商业办法,对欧洲商品征收关税。
据报道,农业部长维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)表现,美国牛肉是世界优质牛肉之一,但是因为欧盟的商业壁垒政策,欧盟消费者无法吃到价钱优惠的美国牛肉。
The United States said Thursday (22 December) it was relaunching a trade fight against a European unio ban on imports of hormone-treated American beef, raising the possibility of imposing tariffs on European goods.
The US decision, which reignites a long-standing disagreement, was taken following the failure of talks to adopt a transatlantic trade pact this year.
“American ranchers raise some of the best beef on the planet but restrictive European unio policies continue to deny EU consumers access to US beef at affordable prices,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statementfrom the office of the US Trade Representative.
The World Trade Organization in 1998 ruled that an EU ban on imports of US beef violated WTO obligations and was not based on scientific evidence, according to the statement.